📭 Ktor Routing Extensions

Extension to Ktor’s routing system to add object-oriented routing and much more. 💜


This extension library was created to reduce the amount of boilerplate to install routing to Noelware's products and services. We use Ktor for our major platforms like charted-server and much more.


class RequestBody(val id: Int, val email: String)

class MyEndpoint: AbstractEndpoint() {
init {
install(SomeRoutingPlugin) {
// type-safe config

suspend fun get(call: ApplicationCall) {
call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Hello, world!")

suspend fun post(call: ApplicationCall) {
val body by call.body<RequestBody>()
call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Hello user with ID ${body.id} and email ${body.email}!")

suspend fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val server = embeddedServer(Netty, port = 9090) {
module {
// We need this to be enabled. :(
routing {}

install(NoelKtorRouting) {
endpoints += MyEndpoint()


ktor-routing is released under the MIT License with love (๑・ω-)~♥” by Noelware. 💜

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